Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this beautiful Thanksgiving Day up in the High Country, I thought I would share the things that I am thankful for...

First and foremost, my Family. To my parents for never letting me give up on my dreams, always supporting me in the decisions I make, and bringing me up to be the man, husband, and person I am today. Thank you for raising me with an open mind and the ability to love everyone for who they are. To my brother and sister, Kyle and Cierra, for your continued love and support even though I am not always there for you guys as you grow up. You both make me very proud in all your achievements. As my friend John Klish would say: "Live Life Large". Don't ever forget that.

Next, I'm thankful for my wife Danielle. You are always there by my side day in and day out and I cannot thank you enough. Very few people have the opportunity to share the common interests and passions that we have, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to share life with than you.

Health. Enough said. Everyone should be thankful for their health even if you think it may not be on your side right now. If anything, Diabetes has made my wife stronger, healthier, and more in tune to her life. It is a test given to her because the higher powers above know that she can succeed. She has taken what is commonly viewed as a dampener on life, and has used it to her advantage to become an amazing athlete fueled by the very disease that is meant to bring her down.

Ritz Carlton Hotel Company. You have been there since the beginning of our journey to Colorado. You provide for both myself and my wife, and give us the opportunity to take in this beautiful world in any way we see fit. Although we may not always see eye to eye, one thing is for sure; you are always there to support us financially, to challenge me, and to allow me to express my creative side in the workforce. Thank you.

I am thankful for our home in the small mountain town of Eagle, Colorado. Thank you for your personality and charm, your easy access to the great outdoors which has become such a large part of my life both professionally and personally. Thank you to this county and state that allows me to put aside the trials and tribulations in life and open my eyes to see all the beauty this world has to offer. As problems in this world are just opportunities to make dreams come true. Learn to find the positive, even in the worst of situations and everything will work out.

Cycling. Thank you for giving me the ability to pursue my goals, ride great trails, and most of all give me a sense of community and the greatest friends I could ask for. It is a great thing when you have friends that all feel the same passion you do for two wheels. You connect on a deeper level because you all have  the same drive to be great in your own right. Thank you to my team Bach Builders and all of our sponsors. You continue to give me the resources I need to make my dreams a reality. We may not all become pro riders and some may never even race competitively, but at the same time we all give it our best to further enjoy what we love to do. We are all there to support each other, push each other, and congratulate one another.

Finally, I am thankful for everything life has to offer. Thankful for all that I have done and what the future holds. Happy Thanksgiving!


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